Sunday, May 31, 2020

Have you ever received this for your wedding anniversary?

Well, we married young, both twenty-one and ready for life.  We both worked and life was, good, we were happy, he had gone to study, and we had bought an older house and were in the process of trying to build it up and put our stamp on the home.
The great part is where is was located we were right next door to my in-laws, which was amazing, we really got on, and Granny was always nearby to help with whatever we were doing.  Whether we all went out or popped down to the shop, we always had a partner in crime, our mom.
It was great for the children, as they could walk between the two homes, and always have one of us around.
Well, the years rolled on and our tenth anniversary was coming up, I was so excited, to think that we had made 10 years.  It was a milestone in my opinion, we had been through lots of things, life changes, and come out the other end, so it was great.
My husband had always believed in giving a gift relevant to the year and these traditional suggestions.  The first year was rice paper, and duly I received a gift which was applicable.

But I had my sights set on the very least a medal, may a diamond, but something that 10 years together sort of warranted in my mind.

Well the evening came I had prepared a really special dinner, with champagne  and the children were sleeping over at Grandma's.

His gift was waiting in the bedroom, all wrapped and specially chosen. It was jewellery (a chain for around his neck, gold)

Well just before we were to sit down, the children came in to wish us and were excited as they were sleeping over. We wished them goodnight and off they went, expectation on my side was absolutely ready to explode, because he had been so secretive,

I had no idea what to expect. I had received the most romantic card ever, so was sure it was going to be an awesome one. The candles were lit, the champagne poured, just the two of us. The starter was served.

The love of my life pulls out his gift,  this elongated, large gift.  Instantly I though we it is too large to be a medal, what could it be?

Well needless to say, it was light it, did not make a noise when I rattled the present. He was so excited and convinced that I would guess what it was..... I truly had no idea at this stage.

What I had not done was refer to the list for marriage - traditional gifts, I was just so convinced.

Lol, well I opened the gift with all the excitement of a toddler with their first Christmas.
As I opened the gift, he had a second layer and when that was uncovered this is what I saw

If I said I was speechless, it was an understatement.  My recovery was remarkable, an Oscar winning performance.

We had a lovely evening, he loved his gift, but berated me for not having stuck to the list. Knowing what I know now, I should have bought the baked beans.......

Mom, arrived with the matching tin as a gift the next morning.... Perhaps a little advise guys, please don't do that.

Traditional and modern anniversary gifts
YearTraditional (U.S.)Modern
9thPotteryLeather goods
10thTin, aluminumDiamond jewellery
11thSteelFashion jewellery, accessories
12thSilkPearls, colored gems

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