Thursday, May 14, 2020

Lockdown the first hour.....

Well we are ready and lock down can begin, lets get it started.  Its set to start at midnight, well time for bed and those of us who are ready go to bed and to sleep, when we wake up it should be a good few hours into the first section.

As luck would have it, at 12H30 an almighty bang, crash is heard literally outside the house and of course we are all awake and what the heck?

To get outside and a person who should not have been travelling had hit the kerb on the opposite side of road and came straight across the road, into our garden wall, saved by a tree and finishing at the neighbour's wall.

Duly the son is already out there, checking is the person alive or dead, bleeding, etc. (Social distancing, we are all freaking out, be careful, stay away, don't go close......)

Meanwhile, stress central we are phoning 10111, no answer, try the Neighbourhood watch, no answer, 112 no answer.  Panic now what? Who to call, started with the police number again, and success they did arrive very quickly and sorted it out. Took statements, fully masked, gloved and correct. The said person was taken away by them.  He was not supposed to be on the streets.  Car was badly damaged and all four wheels destroyed.  No, blood, guts or broken bones were seen. The street returned to the expectant calm.

Impressive was that while Neighbourhood watch were not available, I got a call back later the morning.  Stunning.

I must admit, I love my country, but have not had that sense of pride for a long time.  But I feel for the frontline people.  Thank you for what you are doing.

Respect to you all, and those of you obeying and complying. Someone made a statement, think as if you have the virus, to change your behaviour;  how would you protect your family and others from the virus?
Be safe

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