Thursday, March 26, 2020

Been a part of/in Lock down

Well, this is a new term, Lock down, only ever heard of it in the American movies, the jail was in lock down or there in some such term.
We are now looking at Lock down in the Suburbs, Cape Town, South Africa, the World.
Whaaaat!!!! Never!!! You are over reacting, nothing, but nothing can be this serious.
Where has this ever been done, I mean, come on.
It will blow over.

Well, well, it has not, its literally less than nine hours to Lock down.
The laws have been put out there to follow.
Don't stock pile, there is enough, you can go to the shop and buy the necessities, doctors and pharmacies.

We just did a big shop, two month shop,  it won't go to waste.  We are not stock piling, just will not get goods next month.
Stay home, I am fine with that, but why go out to the shops and take a chance.  Stay at home, stay without. There are many ways to survive.

Roll on Lock down, lets put this Virus down - let us show the rest, we knew what was best!  Let us beat the curve. May we get through to the other side.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tasted Bacon Biltong!

Bacon Biltong!
Well this is a tasty biltong, or jerky as the American calls it.
It is really spicy and just the right amount of fat on it.
I think the Streaky bacon is perfect as it has the fat and meat in the right ratio.
Spiced correctly I think this is a winner.
It should dry quicker than thicker pieces of meat, so it makes an excellent choice
for just nibbling in between or having it as a delicious snack with your glass of wine.
I look forward to trying to making my own, with my biltong maker, spices and bacon.
It really is an -ish, -ish taste. More-ish, delicious-ish.
Try it yourself and join the taste experience.